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If you want to learn the kinds of assets a company is buying, you can find them on the balance sheet.
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True. The balance sheet will identify assets that the company has bought.
A companys assets are paid for with liabilities and shareholder equity.
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True. Liabilities (debt) and shareholder equity (stock) finance the purchase of assets.
Current liabilities are those that are paid ______.
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Within one year. This is the accepted time limit.
The company E-Publisher.com owns exclusive rights to its material. This copyright is an asset.
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True. Copyright is an intangible asset.
Shareholder equity is the value of stock on the market.
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False. Shareholder equity is the amount of capital invested by the owners.
Steve, a beginning investor, wants to see the balance sheet of his chosen company show a huge profit. If the balance sheet is prepared correctly, it is possible that it will show a profit during a good year.
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False. One of the cardinal rules of balance sheets is that assets and liabilities balance each other. Steve is looking at the wrong piece of data.
How do you know when a document is a balance sheet?
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Its assets equal its liabilities and shareholder equity. To be a balance sheet, all of the assets must equal all of the liabilities and shareholder equity.
Current assets are called "current" because they are usually converted to cash _______.
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Within one year. This is the defining quality of current assets.