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Interest paid on savings accounts and bonds is generally taxable.
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True. Interest paid on savings accounts and bonds is generally taxable.
Reinvesting your dividends helps you compound your earnings because it _______.
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Builds your investment base. The larger your investment base, the more there is to compound.
The Rule of 72 states that if you divide 72 by a given interest rate, you will learn how many years it will take for an investment to double. How long would it take for an investment with an interest rate of 4% to double?
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18 years. Dividing 72 by 4 gives you 18.
The longer an investment is allowed to compound interest, the higher its return will be.
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True. Although time wont affect the actual rate of return, the return itself will grow, and it will grow much larger than it would from simple interest.
The _______ you invest your money, the _______ compounding can work for you.
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Earlier / More. Compounding expands your money greatly over time.