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A fund might decide to close because it has become too large, asset-wise.
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True. Excessive assets may force the fund managers to try a change in strategy.
Why might a closed fund's returns slow down after a closing?
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Because funds that close are usually experiencing abnormally high returns that must eventually come back down to earth. Funds usually close when inflows turn into torrents--and that usually happens when funds are undergoing a period of extraordinary performance. Performance often goes back to average (or worse).
What does the "closed" in "closed funds" mean?
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It is not accepting new investors. Closed funds are those that are barring new investors.
Declining tax efficiency in a closed fund is attributable to _______.
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The closing itself.
When a closed fund reopens, it might be a sign to investors that _______.
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An asset class is being overlooked and is worth a second look.