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Because index funds are passively managed, we can expect their annual expenses to be very low.
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False. Though we should expect that, we unfortunately cannot, as some funds still charge high annual expenses.
If you see the letters MSCI in an index, you know you are dealing with what category of stocks?
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International. The various MSCI indexes track international stocks.
Index funds can have high annual expenses.
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True. Despite not needing much management, some index funds still charge high annual expenses.
Which statement is true?
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Index funds in the large-cap blend category can follow different indexes. Not all index funds are cheap--not even all large-blend index funds. Index funds in the large-blend category can follow different indexes--the most common of which is the SP 500.
Which type of index fund is generally the least tax friendly?
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Small-company index fund. Small-cap index funds reap big taxable gains when companies grow too large for the index, forcing the fund to sell those stocks. Large-cap and SP 500 index funds sell stocks when they fall out of the index, meaning they only sell small positions.