Image for Introduction to What to Look For in a Fund: Index Funds and 'Funds of Funds'

Introduction to What to Look For in a Fund: Index Funds and 'Funds of Funds'

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Some types of funds may be especially attractive to beginning investors. Index funds and funds of funds can appeal to these people.

What you will learn

  • Index Funds
  • Funds of Funds

What do you know?

Introduction to What to Look For in a Fund: Index Funds and 'Funds of Funds'

Let’s be honest: Very few investors are as geeky as some mutual fund analysts. Most people don’t have time to fly around the country attending investment conferences, and they don’t waste their time swapping fund industry gossip. Furthermore, most investors have better things to do than to monitor dozens of funds. Finally, people starting out in investing probably don’t have the money to buy more than one fund anyway.

So here’s some wisdom for those searching for their first—and perhaps only—mutual fund.