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One of the risks of investing in bonds is interest rate risk. This means that if interest rates rise, your bond will be earning less than new bonds.
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True. This is one risk of investing in bonds.
Compound interest is interest that is calculated only on the principal you invest.
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False. Compound interest is interest that is calculated on the principal you invest plus any interest you earn.
As a rule, the longer your time horizon is for investing, the more aggressive you can be with your investments.
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True. This is due to the fact that you will have more time to recoup losses.
Investment diversification can be accomplished by owning _______.
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Small, mid-sized, and large company stocks. Owning many different-sized companies provides diversification because they have different characteristics and generally perform differently based on the economic and market conditions.
When you buy shares of stock in a company, you _______.
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All of the above. Owning stock comes with all these benefits, though it should be noted that dividends are not always guaranteed to be paid.
The interest you earn on a savings account is taxed differently from the money you earn at your job.
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False. It is taxed the same way, that is, as ordinary income.