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Which federal program provides health care coverage for all US citizens age 65 or over?
Choose wisely. There is only one correct answer.
Medicare. Medicare is paid for in part by taxes on our income.
Which saves you more money -- the standard deduction or itemized deductions?
Choose wisely. There is only one correct answer.
It depends. For most people, the standard deduction saves more money. But for others, itemized deductions save more. When you do your taxes, you will find out which is better for you.
There is one federal income tax rate that all taxpayers pay.
Choose wisely. There is only one correct answer.
False. As you earn more money, your rate increases.
Which type of account helps you pay for medical expenses while also saving you money on taxes?
Choose wisely. There is only one correct answer.
Flexible spending account. A flexible spending account lets you set aside money from your pay, thus reducing the amount of income you will be taxed on.
Having taxes withheld from your paycheck means you do not need to pay any more taxes.
Choose wisely. There is only one correct answer.
False. The taxes that are withheld from your paycheck are estimates of how much tax you must pay. Once you have filled out your tax return and determined the actual amount you owe, you will find that you owe more money or that you will get some money back.